
Fatal Funnel FFW-6P Wasp and Hornet Traps, 6-Pack Review

Fatal Funnel FFW-6P Wasp and Hornet Traps, 6-Pack
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This product worked so well that I had to dump all of the yellow jackets out because there was no room left for the new ones to drown! Seriously the surface of the bait liquid was covered with bodies and the new Yellow Jackets would just sit on top of the old dead ones and rarely drown. The secret is in the baiting and the time of year. The older the bait the better it works so try not to throw out your bait when you need to empty your bottle. My wife and kids love sitting and watching the yellow jackets fly in and get stuck. That's how fast it works!A little YellowJacketOlogy:
During spring and early summer these things feed on bugs and other sources of protein. They take this protein back to their hive and feed it to the larve which in turn secrete a sugary substance as waste. The older Yellow Jackets (YJs) feed on this waste. During the late summer all of the larve are grown and hunting/feeding on their own so there is no source of sugar in the colony. The older YJs start to scavenge around human garbage, picnics, etc looking for sugars. My guess is that the negative reviewers were trying to use these baits earlier in the season. Next spring I will try this again but with more meat since that is what the YJs will be looking for at the time and update my review.
1 cup water
1/2 cup juice
2 tbsp sugar
several small pieces of raw ground beef or other raw meat
1-2 drops of mild dish detergent (To break the surface tension of the water for rapid drowning)

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Fatal Funnel is the most innovative, cost effective way to eliminate your wasp and hornet problems! Using an ordinary 2 liter bottle, an attractant recipe (recipe for apple juice attractant provided) and Fatal Funnel, you can rid your deck, patio, barn or any area of these dangerous pests.

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Click here for more information about Fatal Funnel FFW-6P Wasp and Hornet Traps, 6-Pack

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