
Victorio VKP1040 Stainless Steel Steam Juicer Review

Victorio VKP1040 Stainless Steel Steam Juicer
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I used this steam extractor for the first time yesterday. It worked great. Pot is just the right size and cleans up easily. It works on most fruits and sure beats all that mashing and straining. To use you just wash your fruit, load it in the top pan, put water in the bottom pan and drain off the juice, as it appears, out the tube, from the center pan.
I have used an older aluminum steamer for several years, but I'm happy with my upgrade to stainless.
The one thing I don't like about it--The steamer is made in China. We can make this in the U.S.A.!

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Use the Victorio stainless steel steam juicer to extract the natural juice of grapes, berries, and other high-liquid fruits with the power of steam. Just boil water in the bottom container and place fruit in the top container. Natural concentrated fruit juice drips in the center pan where it can be extracted through a surgical-quality, heat-resistant tube. Use the juice for making jellies or to store as concentrate for healthy natural fruit juice. Also works great for steaming vegetables. This steam juicer is induction range compatible.

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